The Priesthood is a Vocation, not a Job
Benedict XVI, meeting with priests of the dioceses of Rome, March 10, 2011

Some excerpts.  (Full text:

The priesthood is not a profession, to be engaged in part-time, but a full-time and perpetual vocation.

One is not a priest for part of the time; we are so with our whole soul, with our whole heart.

This being with Christ and being an ambassador of Christ, this being for others is a mission that penetrates our being and must penetrate ever more the totality of our being.

Service requires a humility that is not an exhibition of "false modesty" but rather love for the will of God, for proclaiming without "creating the idea that Christianity is an immense package of things to learn."

The priest "does not preach a Christianity a la carte, according to his own tastes, preaching a Gospel according to his own preferred ideas, according to his own theological ideas"

"He does not exempt himself from proclaiming the whole will of God, also the uncomfortable will, also topics that personally do not please him so much."

"Let us not lose the zeal, the joy of being called by the Lord"

"the joy of being able to go with Christ to the end, of 'staying the course to the end' always with the enthusiasm of being called by Christ for this great service."

"To pray and to meditate on the Word of God is not time wasted" or taken away from the care of souls, but rather "it is a condition so that we can really be in contact with the Lord and thus speak firsthand of the Lord to others."

"Truth is stronger than lies; love is stronger than hatred, God is stronger than all the adverse forces."

Love of the Word of God and of the liturgy and the joy of living time according to the rhythm of the liturgical year; the exercise of intelligence and the passion to propose and defend the search of truth without compromises; gentleness of manner and the magnanimity of heart; serenity of a soul wholly given to Christ."

Love Crucified