When I say your life is a prayer
-Lourdes Pinto

When I say your life is a prayer
your life is an OFFERING. To offer Me your life is the perfect prayer.

Your thoughts directed to Me, directed to Love, is a prayer.

Your desires to know Me, love Me and serve Me is a prayer.

Your touch is a most beautiful prayer.

Your words of encouragement and love to others is a prayer.

Your efforts to bring peace and unity in your families is a prayer.

Your smile is a prayer.

But your most perfect prayer is your pure suffering united to Me and My Mother.

The prayer of pure suffering is the sweetest fragrance that reaches and delights the Heart of our Father. This is also the prayer that produces an abundance of fruit. This is the prayer that is most united to Mine as I intercede before the throne of My Father. This is why My Mother's suffering of solitude produced and continues to produce showers of graces upon the world. I wish the Mothers and Missionaries of the Cross to be perfected in the prayer of suffering.

It is through contemplative prayer that you come to know Me and the prayer in which I fill, guide and form you, but it is the prayer of suffering in which you honor, console and love Me and participate in the redemption of souls.

The prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving should be your every breadth.


Love Crucified