
New and Divine Holiness

See book, "The New and Divine Holiness" -Hugh Owen. Available, John Paul II Institute of Christian Spirituality. P.O. Box 7845 Jacksonville, FL 32238.  Tel: 423 5665178 OR email Kathy Fahy at for instructions on how to order.

After the Church is purified through persecution and has been closely united with the Crucified Chirst, there will be a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a New Pentecost, that will raise the Church, the Bride, to a new and divine holiness. This means a more intimate participation in Christ's royal priesthood. This period is refered to in Scripture as a thousand years (though not yeas as we know them).

…they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years. (Rev. 20:6)

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