Fr. Jordi Rivero
See also:Confession

Conscience is the "proximate norm of morality". Than means that it is the guiding light each person has to discern what is the moral value of any act. We have a duty to follow our conscience even if doing so means suffering or death.

However, conscience needs to be continually formed in a sincere and humble quest to seek the truth and not our fancy. The great sin of Adam and Eve was that they wanted to be the ultimate judges of right and wrong. They simply chose to center on themselves, away from the source of truth which is God.

An essential article of our faith as Catholic is the belief that God gave the Holy Spirit to the Church making her the deposit of all truth in matter of faith and morals. Therefore we have an obligation to inform our conscience by:
1 Daily examination of our conscience.
2 Repent from our sins and go to frequent confession.
3 Meditate Sacred Scriptures
4 Study of the moral teachings of the Church.

Failing to do the above would dull and weaken our conscience, it would impair our judgement due to lack of clarity regarding revealed truth. We would succumb to the mindset, the logic of the world. Giving in to sin deforms a conscience and makes it ineffective.    

Love Crucified